Dental Implants - Manhasset, NY

Rejuvenate Your Smile with Us

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Achieve the Smile You’ve Always Wanted

How long has it been since you felt truly confident smiling? Ate more than a soft food diet? Didn’t feel oral pain or discomfort? Suffering from failing or missing teeth can take both a physical and emotional toll on you. We understand how difficult it is to live every day without a complete and attractive smile that functions comfortably. Individuals with tooth gaps eventually begin to suffer from the long-term effects such as pain, teeth shifting, difficulty chewing, increased risk of gum disease, bone loss, and speech problems. We can help put an end to your painful and discouraging symptoms with full mouth solutions or a single tooth implant that fits your lifestyle, smile goals and budget! From dentures to full mouth dental implants in Manhasset, NY, our prestigious team at Shin Huh DMD, PC provides you with a personalized treatment plan, with an outcome that truly transforms your life by improving your oral function, health, and confidence.
Very nice lady smiling in dental chair

A New Smile with Implants

Implants have changed the scope of dental care and provided both dental professionals and their patients a new avenue in full mouth restoration. Patients do not have to accept their edentulous fate and can change their smiles for the better with just a few well-placed implants. Each implant is made up of three parts: a fixture, an abutment and a prosthesis or crown.

The fixture is the small, screw shaped piece placed below the gumline and directly into the jawbone. This part of the implant acts like a tooth’s root and gently fuses into the surrounding bone as the area heals. The abutment is screwed into the fixture and extends beyond the gum line and acts as the connector between the fixture and the selected prosthesis. The prosthesis is the visible part of the implant that looks and acts like your natural teeth. Whether it’s an individual crown or a denture prosthesis secured by your implants, your prosthesis provides the gorgeous smile you’ve been looking for.

dental implant model

Changing Your Life with Dental Implants

Tooth loss is not limited to elderly individuals, instead it can affect people of all ages. Reasons for tooth loss include: gum disease, tooth decay, trauma, poor nutrition, smoking, and diabetes.

These ailments can result in patients loosing most or all their teeth and leave them looking for full mouth solutions. Dentures are often the go-to solution for those suffering from missing teeth. While they may hide smile imperfections, dentures are often known to feel uncomfortable and over time will lose their perfect fit. They often require extensive maintenance, such as daily cleaning and adhesives to make them secure. Patients complain of having to replace their dentures due to normal wear and tear, or even due to loss. Full mouth dental implants, full arch dental implants, and implant supported dentures offer a dependable alternative to dentures.

Implants require similar care to natural teeth and can last up to 30 years! In addition to solving the problem of missing teeth, dental implants are known to provide support to the surrounding oral structures such as bone and gums. Full mouth dental implants and full arch dental implants will restore your smile and bring you the confidence you’ve always dreamed of.

We invite you to learn about the process of receiving dental implants in our office, the long-lasting, functional, and healthy alternative to removable dentures.

Dental implant example model

Traditional Dentures

Implant supported dentures example model

Implant Supported Dentures

Full Mouth Dental Implants example model

Full Mouth Dental Implants

Top 5 Mistakes People Make with Dental Implants

Do you have all the information you need to make the right decisions about dental implants? Don’t make any of these five common mistakes. Our exclusive checklist will steer you in the right direction.

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multiple dental implant model

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